Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If you chance to meet a frown

As I have been reading up on newborns just to make sure I hadn't forgotten much, I always notice a common thread. Mothers all over complain of no sleep, endless crying, fussy babies and the like... This always leaves me in amazement at how lucky we have been with Gavin!! So in honor of my wonderful child I am going to do some bragging!
  • From the night we brought Gavin home from the hospital I would have to set my alarm clock to wake me up for feedings. He slept like an angel!
  • At 2 months he was sleeping 7 hours straight, not waking once
  • He was 5 Months old the first time he woke me up with a cry. All I did was stick his paci back in and he was out like a light
  • He puts himself on a routine for naps and eating. You can set your watch by him!
  • He has yet to "throw a fit"
  • So far he hasn't shown signs of being strong willed. (Is he really mine or was there a mix up at the hospital???)
  • At around 7 months Levi heard a baby crying in another room. He had no idea if it was Gavin or not. That shows how little our child cries when his own parent doesn't recognize it!
  • When he is ready for a nap, he simply crawls into my lap, gets comfy and falls right asleep!
  • A simple "No No" is usually all it takes
  • He prefers reading a book, stacking blocks, and being mentally stimulated rather than "running amok"
There are a million other things that will pop into my head and I will think, "oh I should have mentioned this" But all in all I just couldn't ask for anything better! Which also forces me to say on a regular basies.. I HOPE OUR NEXT LITTLE LOVE IS AS EASY AS HIM!!!

And since he rarely cried, I rarely got a fuss face to take a picture of. Here are the rare gems I have taken over the past year.

if you chance to meet a frown,
do not let it stay.
quickly turn it upside down,
and smile that frown away.

no one likes a frownie face,
change it to a smile.
make the world a better place
by smiling all the while.

1 comment:

thebenignus said...

haha even if crying babies arent too enjoyable, those faces are just priceless. It just makes you go "awww". Too cute. I hope your next little one cries so you can get cute pics like those :)