Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh Brother

This is how I spend my days with my baby sister:

I poke her. I steal her things I bounce her. I scare the living daylights out of her (and Mommy who drops the camera, screams and lunges at me!) I am bound and determined to pull her off a chair or couch some day. I give her lots of hugs whenever she needs them.

But most of all I love her very much. And after all, that's what big brothers are for.


Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Your kids are precious! Looks like y'all are having a lot of fun! I'm sure that you NEVER stop! I can not even imagine!

Laura King said...

I laughed until I had tears, and then awww at their little feet! Such a sweet depiction of their (your) day!

thebenignus said...

Gavin is looking so big! And i can see that every big brother does the same thing haha :) We might be far from each other but we are spending our days pretty much doing the same thing! Don't you just love it?!
Love the pics

Lane said...

Oh I love this post! That is too funny! but when they are that close in age, you can't expect anything less. He thinks she should be playing with him! So cute!!!