Even though Carrigan will be 3 months in 9 days, she had her 2 month check-up yesterday. We had to wait until she was completely over her cold to get her next round of shots.
The doctor was very impressed with our little girl's head control! She amazes us when she does tummy time. She doesn't mind it at all and holds her head completely up.
At 2 months she can hold her own in a conversation. I have never heard a baby babble so much at this young of age!!
She also smiles at anyone and everyone, especially her brother. No matter what else is going on around her, if she can find her brother, she will.
Carrigan still won't take a paci, but will let me swaddle her at night.
2 month stats:
Weight: 13.10 lbs - 90th percentile!!!
Length: 23 3/4 -70th percentile
Head Circumference: - 50th percentile
how close are our girls??
im taking both of them tomorrow for check ups ( 2 yrs, 2 months)
Carrigan looks so adorable in those pics. we really need pics of them together
They are exactly 3 weeks apart. Let me know her stats. Rylan looks SO much like you!!
She is getting so big!! Who does she look like? I can't tell!?! She is just a little doll baby! :)
She resembles my baby pictures quite a bit. She has Levi's ears, but that is about all she got from her daddy!
ok, stats are up! They are almost the same weight! of course, Carrigan is taller... i see a carson and ro on the way! :)
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