Carrigan is now playing with her toys. She will grab anything! I can no longer read, take a drink, or eat while holding her. If I do, there will be a mess!
She is also laughing more and smiles all day. She is quite comfortable in her Bumbo seat. Carrigan is also well aware that when she is put down, it means mommy walks away. She is hesitant of others holding her. She STILL wont take a paci!! ... but of course anything else is welcome into her mouth.
Carrigan pulls out hundreds of Mommy's hairs a day. Daddy is the funny one.
Her hair is coming in quickly this month and seems to be the color of Gavin's. Her eyes are still blue with no signs of changing.
There is one clear reaction when people see her. They put their hand to their heart and say, AWW! :)
Oh, and her left eyebrow always looks like its growing downwards. It isn't. Carrigan rubs that eye when she is playing and when she is tired. It is funny because my mom, myself and Carrigan all have two differently shaped eyebrows.
I can't believe how quickly she's growing! And Gavin too! As we start to prepare for Camden's first birthday, I'm just in awe of how quickly this last year has gone. Why do the best months of your childs life fly by the quickest??!! Carrigan is SOOOO beautiful! Those eyes...
Hope you all are doing great, we miss you all!!!! :)
I know, it just doesn't seem possible that Camden could be a year already! He is such a big boy and a baby at the same time. Such a precious age!
-- I have tried to leave a comment on your page a few times, but it never shows up. Your trip looked so fun and I'm very jealous!
I can't believe my sweet first granddaughter is growing and changing so fast! She just melts my heart every time I see a new picture of her!
Laura...she is beautiful!!
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