Saturday, July 25, 2009

2nd Birthday!

This year as I was planning Gavin's 2nd birthday party I started remembering how things went last year. The poor boy was sick, teething and overwhelmed by all the people. Gavin is still very shy, so I came to the conclusion that a party would only keep me happy, not the birthday boy. This year I didn't send out a single invitation or make one phone call. Gavin spent his birthday with the people he loves the most, his family!

On Friday we had cake, dinner and opened presents. It was a good thing I decided against a party, because he was NOT in the mood to be the center of attention!

Last year Gavin burned his finger on the candle as we sang Happy Birthday. To make up for it, Levi and I took Gavin to pick out a cake all for himself. He very enthusiastically picked out a Sponge bob cake. (It melted, shifted and became a mess on the way home) I don't know if it was the song, fire or cake that did it, but something freaked him out! Check out his face! We also let him choose the main birthday cake. He chose Cars. As a matter of fact he also chose decorations, which explains why everything is mismatched! (Just for the record, before Gavin was born I swore I would never let my child watch Sponge bob! BUT there are times when a little boy needs to be quiet so his baby sister can get some rest and I can't help it if Sponge bob does the trick! -- Gavin has never watched "Cars" either, but his favorite shoes are "Cars" so it was an easy pick.)Then it was time for presents! Carrigan very much enjoyed helping! If I would let Gavin play in the sink, he would be there every day, all day. When looking for presents, I ran across this water table that runs on batteries. The pump circulates water through the faucet. It is perfect! Many hours will be spent playing in this water table. Thank you Nana for getting it for Gavin! The next morning it was the funniest thing to watch Gavin's face as he saw that all his presents were still here! He ran to the back door and looked out to make sure his water table was there. He remembered a bug that had gotten stuck the night before and yelled, "Yuck! A bug in there!" I don't see what is so Terrible about the Two's just yet!! :)


Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Happy Birthday, Gavin! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun celebrating as a family! That water table is too cute! I bet that have LOTS of fun with that and make a lot of fun memories!

Laura King said...

I can hardly wait to see Gavin and Carrigan enjoying the water table!! Maybe we'll get to visit again before cold weather sets in.