Saturday, October 24, 2009

Carrigan's 1st Birthday Party!

We had such a wonderful time celebrating Carrigan's 1st birthday! The weather was beautiful and the company was great! Carrigan woke up from a nap just a few minutes before guests arrived so she was in a great mood to socialize!
We want to especially thank Levi's family for traveling for Carrigan's party! Her Grandparents, Uncles Cliff, Andy & Zeke came and we were totally surprised to answer the door to Great-Aunt Betty! Levi is so proud to have brothers who have come to 2 graduations, 1st birthday parties, holidays and to help us move. Thank you guys!!! Then it was time for PRESENTS!! And CAKE! Carrigan was PERFECT! She did just what you expect a baby to do! She dug into the cake before we even had time to blow out the candle. She was too cute! She was making such a mess that all she could say was Uh-Oh!!
After opening lots and lots of presents from Grandma & Grandpa (they even brought some for Gavin!) they surprised us with THIS! A new kitchen!!! I kept asking, Who is this from? because I just couldn't believe they got her MORE!!! :) For those who don't know, Levi's parents had 5 boys & 3 grandson's before being blessed with a girl! They are spoiling her rotten! =)


Laura King said...

We had such a great time!! I love seeing her at her little kitchen!! It will be one of those "memory makers" for her and her brother. I can just see them going back and forth between the kitchen and little house :)

Really enjoyed the time we got to spend together with both sides of the family!

Crystal_King said...

Sounds like the party was fun! I love all the pictures of her!! I'm bummed we didn't get an invite, but hope to see you all in the future. We sure miss those beautiful babies :)

Laura Carson said...

Crystal, you of course were on the invite list. I lost all my yahoo e-mails, so I lost your address. I tried e-mailing you for your address, but it must not have been received.
We plan to be in Bentonville for Thanksgiving. Hope to see you all then.

Crystal_King said...

I'm glad we weren't just left out!! Can you believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner? I just can't believe how big the boys and Carrigan are getting!!! I hope we can give Carrigan a girl cousin to play with too!! If not this pregnancy, maybe next time! :) Can't wait to see you!!