Wednesday, December 9, 2009

brrr... It's cold INside!

Early Wednesday morning (around 5:00 a.m.) the electricity went out. It was literally freezing outside. I was praying by the time we all were awake it would be back on.


It was a cold morning and I kept thinking about how great it was that I had just gone grocery shopping the night before and there was everything sitting in a fridge that was getting warmer by the minute.

However Gavin, Carrigan and myself found it to be a rather fun morning! No cartoons to watch or Facebook to check, just time to play!

(Sometimes I feel as if I am the only mother who puts their kids to bed in mismatched
jammies. )

Usually jumping off the arm of the couch is a big No-No, but sometimes you just have to be lighthearted about things!
HOWEVER when I learned Carrigan was now able to climb up on the arm of the couch too, the fun had to stop! Her hair is getting so long!
Hands down, the funniest part of my day was when I sat down to eat breakfast. Every mother knows that 'its too quiet in here, something must be wrong' feeling. I get up to find what my little nibblits (Levi hates that I call them that!) are up to, and all the sudden I hear......

Here we are!!!!

They are just too funny!! I don't know how they were cramming themselves in there together, but they kept shutting themselves in until I would yell, Where did Gavin & Carrigan go??? Then they'd pop out and laugh! They are so much fun!

Oh, and the power came back on at 8:40 a.m. The instant it came on, I excitedly raised my hand in the air and said, "Thank you, God!!" Gavin has lifted his hand several times today and exclaimed, "Thank You, God!" =)

1 comment:

Laura King said...

Oh my goodness, I needed a good laugh and you provided it!! I LOVED the way my kids played together when they were so young and close together! It's like there's nothing they can't do...or get into!