Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gavin is 4.

I expected to lose it when Gavin turned 4. I had little panic attacks when he turned 3. I don't mind him getting older as much as I don't want him in school and away from me 40 hours a week. If we can manage to live directly across from his school with a full view of the playground, I might be alright...

39 inches - 25th percent
30 lbs - 5th percent

Gavin is still the same kind hearted, gentle boy he has always been. He has definitely taken on the role as big brother and is proud of it. Carrigan is a princess, but he is no prince. He is a knight in shinning armor. He takes pride in being mine and Carrigan's protector and being able to save the day.

He has a very big heart. He likes to learn about Heaven so he will know what I will be doing if I die, or what he will be doing if he does. He tells me often that he will miss me so much if I did and it can lead to tears. He will come up to me, give me a hug and kiss and say, "I like you and I love you so much". It's my favorite thing he says to me. :) He also knows he is my true love. I love Disney movies so much more since he was the one to refer to me as his true love first. :) -- He also doesn't want to get married if he can't marry me because he doesn't want to live in a different house. I love that boy. ;)

Gavin has a very set way about him. He likes to play by the rules. It doesn't matter if it is a board game, pretend play, or running around with friends, he knows the rules and they should be followed. He is not a child who runs around aimlessly, loud and out of control. He can be rough, and tackle, but there has to be some sort of order. This even applies to building with Lego's. You won't catch him just stacking blocks. He is making something specific. He is also very competitive with friends his own age. He wants to be the strongest, best, fastest and of course, the winner.

Food used to be a major issue, but now you could call him just plain picky. He still won't eat most fruits and vegetables, but he is making progress with trying new things. He will now eat spaghetti, take a bite of a hamburger, (just plan meat, cheese & bun) and likes things such as pop tarts, popcorn, pretzels and peanuts. He still only wants ice water to drink, but will on occasion take a drink or two of super chocolaty chocolate milk. He does love tea, but I try to avoid sugar at all cost....

Chocolate is THE best thing in the world (avoiding sugar, but wanting him to have calories is like arrrggghhhh ..... ) He loves Superheros and never will pretend to be the bad guy. He loves weapons (another thing I try to avoid at all cost) and video games (again... ugh) and playing with older children.... that has a lot to do with the "playing by the rules" thing.

He l.0.v.e.s. his Nana. He spends all his time right beside her when we are with her. He likes to write the names of myself, sister, daddy, Nana, Aunt Alicia & Madi. He can write his name by his self and the letter 4. He is very interested in writing, so I imagine very soon he will be writing quite a few words by his self. He also has a very good memory. We have been caught off guard by what he can recall. I hope this benefits him in school!

We still plan to keep him back a year from Kindergarten. He just barely makes the cut off date, and being small and shy, it only makes sense to hold him back a year. This way he and Carrigan will be in back to back grades too. Next year we are going to put both kids in a 2 day a week preschool and they are already excited about it. We will see how I do next year!

1 comment:

Laura King said...

I love learning more and more about my sweet grandson Gavin! It warms my heart to see similarities between him and his daddy as a little boy. I just want to kiss those dimpled cheeks!