Carrigan is so full of life. She has such a big personality. When she gets excited, her whole body goes into over drive. She points her elbows out and her arms start to shake. It is too cute!
I would SWEAR her first word is "Bubba." I know it is a common first sound for babies to make, but every time Gavin comes towards her she says it. We have been calling Gavin that since he was still in Mommy's belly so we use it quite often. Gavin loves it! He will repeat it back and forth with her.
Carrigan hates, hates, hates baby food. She gags and gets mad when I try giving her bites. She is more tolerant of rice cereal, but every time she has it, she throws up later that evening.
When Carrigan was 4-5 months she started wearing the same size diaper as Gavin. Those are now too tight around her chubby thighs so she is a size bigger than him. Gavin wears a size 3, Carrigan a size 4.
I have tried putting her to bed without being swaddled, but she doesn't stay asleep long. She has yet to give me a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
She can pull up on toys and her crib, but has no idea she needs to hang on.
She will get up on her knees and rock back and forth. Gavin will have a shadow soon enough!
Carrigan's favorite things are animals, being outside, baths and getting her hands washed. If she is tired, she cries when being taken away from any one of these things.
Levi says she is squeezable. The first thing he does to her in the mornings and when he comes home from work is give her a "big squeeze." She gives a loud grunt then huge grin when he does it to her. Super Cute!
I can't get enough of her! In 5 months she will be a 1 yr old and her babyhood will be behind her. She is in such a FUN stage!! I thank God every day that I am so lucky to be her mother and spend every day soaking her up.
I can't believe how big she's getting! Wow, time has gone so quickly! She looks so much like Levi in the bath picture and the second to last one with the cute little bow on her head she looks like such a young lady!! :) Hope you all are doing great! Miss you all so much!!
She's growing up so fast! Can't wait to see her in just a couple of more weeks!
Hugs to all.
Laura, she is beautiful! Little girls are so much fun...and such a joy! She's precious!
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