When siblings are born, usually the older child regresses in some way. Gavin's was speech. He still said most of his usual words, but he used them less often. A few months went by and he might have only learned one new word. I read on-line about mothers saying their little boys didn't do much talking until they turned 2, so I knew it would all come with time.
It seems that time has finally come! Over the past few weeks he has learned so many new words that it is hard to keep up with. My favorites are when he points to his dimple and says "dimple" and when we watch American Idol he says "Gokey."
The best part is that he is combining words. If he sees Levi drive away in his car, he will say "Dada bye bye" and "Car go go" He even said his first "sentence" a few mornings ago. We went outside and he pointed at my car and said, "Go Momma Car." I love it!
*At a Dr visit a few days ago, he weighed 21.8 lbs. Its a little frustrating that all the extra food and drinks he has been taking in hasn't been putting on any extra pounds, BUT the boy has a tiny belly on him for the first time in his little life!*
I could tell he was saying specific words on the phone the other day. I couldn't tell what they were mostly because I couldn't hear him very well. I was afraid to believe he was saying G'ma Laura, so you can imagine my joy when you said he did say Laura!!
Cliff almost completely stopped using words when Carl was born. I started to think something had happened to his hearing (mostly because he just grunted all the time), and took him for a check-up with a speech therapist. She told me it was just the "I've been replaced by a little wiggly thing" phase. :)
He looks so adorable!! Great hair cut!
Cute! They say after a child learns to say a certain number of words there's like an explosion of language that just comes from them because they finally start to understand more. That's great! I just wanna kiss that sweet face of his!!! :)
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