Tuesday, January 22, 2008

6 month check up

Gavin had his 6 month check up today. He is 15lbs 9oz, which puts him in the 15% for weight. He is 27 inches long and his head circumference is 17 inches. He is still a tall and skinny boy. He also had to get his next round of shots. I dread those so badly! My niece, Madi, tagged along. She was more nervous than I was! Gavin teared up when the doctor got close to check him out and Madi told that doctor, "When I am a grown up, I am going to be a doctor because babies like GIRL doctors!" ha.. She is so protective of her cousin! The Dr said he may be getting the croup so we will be watching that carefully. The best part is no shots for 6 more months!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Becoming a blogger...

In 4 days my little Angel Baby will be 6 months old. He has already accomplished so much in his short time with us. He can turn himself in circles during tummy time, sit unassisted, roll over both ways, and chow down on all sorts of veggies, all while entertaining us with the most adorable belly laughs. We have enjoyed every moment of him!