Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Blog Post - Facebook Style

With Gavin turning 5, I thought it would be fun to go back and compile a list of my favorite Facebook posts from when the kids were just Toddlers/babies. I've wanted to do this for a while, but thought I'd be too bummed about not including comments because sometimes that's the best part. Well, if you click on the date above the status, you can see comments! Yay!

Of the 775 days Carrigan has been on this Earth, she has yet to sleep through the night. She may kill me.
Most little girls sleep with baby dolls & blankies. Mine sleeps with a big red rubber ball and stick pony. Love her.
Back door wide open, giggling kids running in and out, perfect weather & a clean house. Happy Saturday. :)
Gavin: "My armpit is gone, Mommy. I don't know where it is, but it's gone!"
When your 24 month old responds to "Carrigan, get in bed" with "I too busy" she may be too smart for her own good.
Me: "Wow Gavin, you are strong." Gavin: "Yes. Only boys are strong, but girls can wear bras." --- Where did I go wrong??

Gavin: "I will not chest bump NaNa tomorrow because we have to be careful in church."
An ENTIRE carton of eggs broken all over the kitchen floor & a bag of shredded cheese mixed in. Apparently Carrigan has learned how to open the fridge by herself.
The ringing of doorbells during nap time should be illegal.

I just e-mailed my husband about how good my new deodorant smells. Perhaps I need to get out of the house more.
C: Oh my gosh. G: Oh MY gosh C: It's MY gosh! --- G: I got booboo on my belly. C: It's MY booboo. G: No it's not! ---- ALL DAY LONG!
Me: "Do you want cereal or oatmeal?" Gavin: "Do I want french fries? Yes." -- I think he's feeling better this morning!

My children fall asleep so quickly in my arms. I wonder if that is how God intended them to sleep.
My 1 yr old daughter in a parking lot to a Semi truck driver, "Big truck hurt me! It's no no! Go Away!!!"
Just found out a 3 yr old is still considered a toddler. I am downright giddy. =)

We did it! Look at me! Chocolate cereal all gone. At store? -- Things said by my 20 month old today. My girl amazes me!
"You be nice today and X and Y and Z." --- Gavin getting right to the point while arguing with his sister.
"Mommy, you happy I big?" asks my soon to be 3 year old. So many big answeres attatched to such a small question.
My son is directing his sister in a photo shoot. "Let me see your eyes. Smile! Look at camera, Carrigan." -- Wonder where he gets it?!?! :)
Me: Gavin, tomorrow is your birthday! We are staying in a hotel Gavin: Yes! My Birthday. I watch Tv in my underwear!

My daughter chased down a little hispanic girl yelling, "It's Dora, Mommy! It's Dora!"
is waiting on my mother to arrive. Why? Because my daughter squeezed out an ENTIRE BOTTLE of mustard onto my living room carpet. -- Picture to come.
-- Gavin: "Carrigan, sweetheart, Gavin said No Ma'am." World's most polite 2 yr old or what?? :)

Me: "How are ya'll sliding on the floor like that?" Gavin: "Carrigan peepeed."
Both kids asleep by 7:30. I feel like I should be giving an awards speech.

You're only cool if you run out of gas with no phone mere hours after your husband leaves town.
5:45 Carrigan wakes up - will only eat pizza for breakfast - throws roll of toilet paper in toilet - now 7:00 a.m. & waiting for her next move.
Ah to find your son looking through your comforter, holding his bug catcher asking, "Where my worm go?"

Gavin: "A kiss, pretty girl?" (big hug and kiss) Carrigan: "Thank you, Bubba." My babies are the best. :)
taught her kids how to hunt for earthworms, blow wishing flowers, splash in mud puddles, & stop to listen to the wind blowing in the trees this afternoon. Happy day.
Carrigan has used the potty 5 times today! I am just so darn proud!
It's not the mounds of toys, sounds of laughter, or artwork on the fridge that prove I live with 2 toddlers. It's the tiny tennis shoes I found in the dishwasher.
"Mommy needs alone time" means nothing to my children.
is still laughing. I turned on the TV, shouted, "Hey Gavin, Dora is on." He ran towards the TV, lifted his hand in the air and yelled, "THANK YOU, GOD!!!"

watched her 13 month old open dresser drawers one by one to use as stairs to climb to the top. It's no wonder I am getting grey hair.
found that when you have kids you give up all rights to stand under the umbrella in the rain.
is making a list of Carrigan's words at 12 months. So far I've counted 20! Smart girl!!
is listening to Gavin complain about his "hairbutt." (haircut)

watched Carrigan open a 450 degree oven. Lord have mercy on me, as I'm still not sure if I'm having a heart attack or not.

is wondering why today of all days did Gavin learn to climb on the kitchen counters AND get into the hall closet. *sigh*

wonders what on earth possessed my sweet boy to turn into a biting, hitting, kicking, hair pulling toddler.

Goodnight Stars... Goodnight Air.... Goodnight Noises Everywhere...
just heard 2 dreaded words, "Momma Mean" =(

just unpacked groceries while 6 months pregnant and holding a baby on my hip in 102 degree weather. UGH!