I can't believe I am doing a post about Gavin going to Kindergarten! This blog is supposed to be about babies & toddlers, not Kindergarteners! Wow!!
I have been praying over this moment for years. When Gavin turned 3, I had major anxiety about it. It was so far away, yet waaayyy too close. I didn't want him out of my hands in a place where I am not allowed to pop in and check on him with hugs and encouraging words throughout the day. Boy that has been hard to prepare for!
The best thing we have ever done was put Gavin and Carrigan in Preschool. It was only 2 days a week, but prepared the whole family for elementary school. Yesterday, I told Levi it was the best money we've ever spent! It's calmed my nerves by 1000%!
The morning of the first day of Kindergarten, I woke up early, took my shower, then sat on the living room floor and sewed a button onto a pair of pants. Gavin woke up, started to turn into our room to cuddle with daddy, but decided to give me a smile and stay to talk. Gosh that was a blessing! When he crawls into our bed, he is glued to it! There were no big complaints about going to school. No tears. I think it helped that the morning before, we played on his new school playground and he knew two of his friends from preschool would be in his same school. We got dressed, packed the lunchbox, grabbed all his stuff, took pictures outside, where he decided to say, "Kindergarten!" instead of "cheese!" and we took a deep breath and drove away!
Levi took the entire day off to help with my nerves. (apparently I asked hm to in a moment of stress, however, I don't remember it! ha) As we pulled onto the road to the school, I reached back, grabbed Gavin's hand and prayed aloud. (he told me on the ride home the first week of school that he prayed at random times throughout the day. LOVE hearing that!) We parked and walked him up to the sidewalk and waited with all the other parents and students. Still, everyone was calm. Onto the gym to wait again. He waved at some children he knew and took in the large crowed room. We reached his classroom, put his things away, and watched his face turn red with nerves. He sat in his seat and whispered up to me, "I don't want to be here." I took deep breaths to keep calm. Still, no tears.
We walked out of the classroom & Levi didn't feel like he had gotten a proper hug, so he kept sticking his head through the doorway so Gavin could see him smiling and waving. Leaving him was the hardest part of my morning. Every time Levi walked halfway down the hallway, turned around and went back for another smile and wave, my breaths got deeper and deeper trying to hold back any tears. But none came. None came to Gavin either. We survived!
Levi, Carrigan and I spent the day trying to pass the time. A coffee shop. Walmart. Flea Market. Walmart again. (I mean, who willingly goes to Walmart twice in one day) Then on to pick up big brother.
He got in the car with a smile on his face! He had a great day! One of my biggest prayers was that he find his friend, Austin, on the playground, and sure enough he did! They had lots of fun together! As requested, we stopped for a grape slush at Sonic and had his FAVORITE Poppyseed Chicken for dinner. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow at 7:30 and woke up early the next morning to get in some video game time. After we were in the hallway in line with the other children, he wanted me to wait until he got to go into his classroom to leave. He had no problem with me not walking in. Carrigan and I spent the morning at the park & playing outside with neighborhood friends. I was okay, until at one point I saw Gavin's helmet sitting unused in the garage. All the sudden, I missed him so terribly!!
The best part about these first two days was this afternoon when picking him up. He climbed into the car, sat down and announced, "I Love Kindergarten!" I told him I am so excited for him and he says, "I am excited for myself that I get to go back tomorrow!" Prayers answered! Gosh, that makes things so much easier for us all!!!