Saturday, January 14, 2012

Changing Eye Color

Gavin was born with blue eyes. Around his first birthday they turned into a grey-blue and were the exact color of my dad's. My sister & I, niece + one cousin are the only brown eyed family members on the Carson side for generations. When my sister was born, our great grandmother said she was the first family member she had ever met with brown eyes. I believe Levi has at least one blue eyed brother. It was no surprise that my brown eyed self and Levi's green eyed self had 2 blue eyed babies!
To my dismay, Gavin's eyes turned blue-green at some point last year. The 3rd picture down is from January 2010 and his eyes are still blue. They now have a bit of tan in the very middle, greenish blue with a dark blue ring around them. They are beautiful. My mom says they are the same eyes as her mom. ... I have to admit though that I do miss his baby blues!!

I can't wait until that face is filled with freckles. If he is anything like his parents, it won't be long!

Monday, January 2, 2012

He said WHAT?!?!

There are moments we parents are not proud of. I'm sure we could all list several. Several moments we hope our children never remember and we improve our skills for the next go around. Several moments that hopefully will not have people screaming, "Your Momma didn't raise you right!"

I had one of those moments today, a moment that caught me off guard. I was not prepared for this.

From the living room couch where my sweet 4 year old son sat playing his favorite video game, I hear these disturbing words spoken to Little Sister...

"Get out of the way, Biotch!!"

For those of you who do not know, (MOM), the "0" is intentional. It's a slang way of saying the horrible word you are thinking of.

Yes, he called his 3 year old sister a biotch.

In my shock, I took a loud gasp, (again, MOM) and Carriagn came running wondering what was the matter. I called Gavin to me and before he was halfway here, I started laughing. I knew I had to suck it up and keep going while it was still fresh. Come on Laura, be mature about this!!

It didn't work. I laughed. I kept laughing. His sweet innocent voice shouting that word was too much to take. I added the threat of taking back his game to the store if he said it again. --horrible, but through the laughter there was no other way to get him to take me seriously-- He of course laughed. I tried to explain my smile best I could so this word wouldn't become a regular thing and leave me mortified in a public place. "At least my kid isn't as bad as her kid!" - the other mothers will say.


..............Ahhh.... But to you, dear person who I witnessed say this word in front of my child, watch your mouth. Your Momma didn't raise you right.