Monday, July 6, 2009

Run! It's Fireworks!!

Just for memories sake, I want to jot down the past 3 years of our family's experience with fireworks.

July 4, 2007 - Early that day Levi asked me where his fish was. I, of course. said in the fish bowl. Where else? I had previous fish that jumped out of the bowl so all day I was waiting to find this slimy dead goldfish in the sink or on the floor.

That evening Levi, my 9 month pregnant self, mom, sister and niece all walked from our house to the Harding University stadium where they have games for kids and fireworks afterwards. Madi played the games provided and Levi and I sat in the bleachers waiting for dark. Once the fireworks started, Gavin jumped and kicked around at the loud popping of fireworks. My mom and I both hoped that the long walk to and from the stadium would throw me into labor. Nope! He patiently waited until his due date, 20 days later. The next day I found the fish. He had squeezed into a shell, got stuck and died. I had named the fish Dumb-bell when Levi first brought him home. The name suited him, don't you think?

July 4, 2008 - The 5 of us, this time with Gavin, an adorable 11 month old, and I, 5 months pregnant with sweet Carrigan, went to the Harding fireworks. Madi once again played games and Gavin walked around with Nana and played in the bleachers. No more than 60 seconds before the fireworks began, Gavin fell asleep. He woke up on the walk back to the car. Carrigan slept through the noise as well.

July 4, 2009 - Instead of taking our 23 month old and 8 month old to a crowd of people waiting for dark, we decided to go just past the stadium to the Harding Academy playground. A few other families had the same idea. Gavin walked around... and walked around... didn't play, just walked. Carrigan was ready for bed the moment we arrived so we walked her around as well. We thought we had a great idea. Little did we know, the fireworks were being set off from just beyond the playground. All of the sudden, behind Gavin came this LOUD pop and the sky lit up. I ran to pick him up, but it was too late. He was petrified!!!! I didn't know fireworks could be so loud. It sounded like we were under attack. No Joke! We were so close that you had to strain your neck just to see it all. For older kids and adults it was awesome! BUT for a baby and toddler it was terrifying! Actually Carrigan didn't seem all too bothered except the poor baby girl was desperate for sleep. After only 2-3 minutes it was clear we needed to get our babies out of there, and fast! We put our two screaming young ones in the car and watched the display from the rear view mirror as we drove home.

Hopefully we have more luck next year!


Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Yikes! I bet they were scared! We didn't even attempt to go watch the fireworks because Lydia normally goes to bed around 8:00. I'm hoping next year we'll be able to go and watch some!

Just Jiff said...

I hate traffic jams and personally, I'd much rather do them at home where I can run inside and go to the bathroom if I need to. lol.

Bayley doesn't mind the noise, but she was definitely ready to go to bed.