Thursday, December 10, 2009

He must get this from his daddy...

This morning Gavin was "reading" a Farm book. He was going through the animals, saying what they are, then doing their sound. He then would spell each animal name.

It then dawned on me. Gavin can identify every single letter of the alphabet in upper-case AND lower-case.
He can also sing his ABC's with getting a couple wrong. I am trying to get it on video.

He can count and identify numbers 1-10. We are now working our way up to 20.

Does this not seem terribly impressive for a 2.4 year old?

I managed to get him saying his ABC's with me repeating. It was all he would give me!

1 comment:

Laura King said...

It's funny about him doing 3 things...animal name, animal sound and letter identification in one setting.
When Levi was in school (even elementary), and was given an assignment, he found a way to do it 3 ways...such as written report, experiment with findings and diorama.

His recital of the alphabet brought sweet tears to my eyes. I really needed to hear his sweet voice today!