Monday, December 29, 2008

What do we do with a beautiful day?


We took Carrigan for her first walk around the neighborhood. She seemed to enjoy it. You would think things like car rides, swings, and strollers would put her to sleep, but nope! She stayed awake the entire time. She is just like her Mommy; a very light sleeper!

Christmas pictures coming soon!


Laura King said...

It's so nice to see you all out having some great family time. I can't believe how big the kids look even though we just saw them!

We miss you so much already!

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

You've got the cutest kids!! Looks like y'all had a blast enjoying the nice weather! Too bad it didn't stick around!

Crystal_King said...

OH, what beautiful pictures! I hope you all have a very happy New Year. I bet you're really enjoying your extra time with Levi! Hope you're getting settled in well and we miss you all like crazy!!!! We can't wait to get together and see you!!! I have the most beautiful nephew and neice ever!!!