Saturday, May 31, 2008

My First Steps!!

Tonight Levi decided he was going to work with Gavin trying to get him to walk. He stood him out in front of him and sure enough, Gavin walked right to him! I ran upstairs got the camera and took about a 100 videos of his first steps! I think he overheard my mom and I talking today about how both Madi and I were walking at 9 months and figured he'd better get the ball rolling since he turned 10 months a few days ago. I can't wait to call her tomorrow and show her his new skill! Levi and I were so proud and by the end of the night, he had already gotten so much better!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Look at what I can do!

I managed to get a few cute little things Gavin does on video.Our computer is being goofy so I could only upload the short ones. I will try again and I still have to manage to tape his words. I also could not ask for a better baby. He simply makes me happy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A few pictures to satisfy

I have been trying to get videos of Gavin saying his new words and doing things such waving byebye and using everything from laundry baskets to his rocking horse as walkers, but as soon as he sees the camera, that is all he is focused on. In the meantime I thought I would add some pictures of my cutie pie. Looking at an adorable baby never hurt anybody, right? :)

Gavin had his first bath in MawMaw NaNa's big bathtub. He absolutely loved it! He could have stayed in all day, but when you pee pee in the bath water, it's time to get out! I have always loved the way water photographs. When I was little and looking at my baby pictures, I always thought my mom gave us a bath in jelly water. After his bath, playing in the front yard with Auntie Alicia. Unfortunately Gavin wasn't invited into his cousin Madi's new tent. She asked if we could dig a mote around her tent because it didn't need a baby prince. Poor little guy!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My First Mother's Day

On Mother's Day we decided to take Gavin to the Old Mill for the first time. He was off his schedule so I think we got only one picture with a smile. We went out to eat, ate ice cream by some fountains, then stopped by my mother's house to watch a movie and eat cake. Here are some pictures from our special day.

Oh the weather

The night before Mother's Day was a night that made me appreciate the following day all that much more. I had been watching the weather on and off and saw that we were under a tornado watch. It had been that way for most of the day, so I decided it was okay to make a trip to Walmart. Gavin had just fallen asleep (on his rocking horse, which was the cutest and funniest thing. Levi didn't notice he was asleep because he has still hanging on.) I give Gavin a kiss, tell him I love him, and the last thing I tell said before walking out the door was, "Levi, watch the weather."
As I was shopping a bad feeling came over me. One baby's cry sounded like Gavin's, another's laugh reminded me of his. Then a little boy tripped in front of me. His mother said, "Gavin, you almost fell on that lady!" That was it. I decided I was going to check out and go home.
I turned the corner of the isle and an announcement was made. "Would all customers and Walmart employees go to the dressing rooms and back of the store. An employee who was directing us where to go looks right at me and says, "They have spotted a tornado and it is coming this way."
I head to the back of the store where we all got into a narrow hallway. This was a Saturday night so we were quite crowded. Everyone was getting calls about tornadoes on Race Street (the street I was on) or damage here and there (none of which were true) I was surrounded by mother's holding their babies tight, and here I was away from mine without our phone to call home. I ask a girl standing next to me if I could use hers. I started crying as I asked, so of course she said yes! It took a while to get a signal but I finally got a ring and Levi said he and Gavin were safe in the bathroom.
After a while we were given permission to leave and I headed straight for home. I was literally the only one who did not wait for the rain to die down before heading out to my car. The parking lot was a mess with the Lawn and Garden section blown over and spread around.
When I get home, there is Gavin, awake and back on his rocking horse. And bless my husband for going the extra mile I insist we go by making bottles, packing the diaper bag as full as it would go, and having everything we would need in case our things are blown away.
Laying my eyes on my safe and healthy boy, then holding him tight was the best Mother's Day gift I could have asked for.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A day at the Zoo

Sunday afternoon was a rare day for our family. Levi had free time! We decided to take advantage of this beautiful weather we have been having a took Gavin for his first trip to the zoo. Don't worry Crystal and Camden, we still want to go with you!

We had arrived in Little Rock, but first Gavin had to wait patiently for daddy to finish his lunch. An elderly man came over to us during our meal and commented on the fact that Levi was feeding Gavin so I could ete first. Usually when Levi entertains Gavin in a restaurant we hear comments from elderly women. They just can't believe their eyes! The weather was a perfect 72 degrees so most of the animals were out for us to see. We were also there during feedings, so we got to watch the giraffes and elephants eat their lunch.
Gavin's favorite animals were the monkeys and this bear. I think it reminded him of my St Bernard. This was the only animal he "talked" to, so I would say he is a pretty special bear.
Gavin did not know what to think of the train ride...
The animals were great and we saw tons of squirrels, birds and even bunnies running around, but we also saw a surprise animal. We were looking at a very large tortoise when I woman says in a very chipper voice, "Oh look at the little mouse!" That was no little mouse! That was a giant rat!! Needless to say we didn't hang out around that area for long!

This has been a beautiful Spring (minus the rain and tornadoes) I love how special outings are now that we are parents and have the best baby boy we could ask for to share them with.