Monday, March 29, 2010

Yay, PeePee!

Guess who is using the potty!


First let me say, we are not potty training Carrigan. I think 17 months is a bit young, but she disagrees!

When Carrigan has "naked time" she wants to sit on the potty just like Big Brother. Lately she has been going potty! After, she always asks for "t-t peh." If you can't tell what that means, she asks for toilet paper. :) The way she says it is absolutely adorable, by the way.

Well, now she has started telling me when she needs to peepee. Last night she told me she needed to in the bathtub. Today she has gone 6 times and let me know she needed to each time!

So far she has gone 10 times. And YES I am keeping count! I am just so darn proud!
This is just one more example my mom can use when says, "Carrigan is just like Laura was as a baby!"

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