Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Visit From Grandma

Grandpa, it's me, Carrigan. Mommy has been too busy with Gavin lately to tell you about Grandma's visit. We took Bubbas to the Doctor today and he has Roseola. It looks like it's up to me to tell you about all the fun we had!

One of my favorite things we did was swim in the pool at the hotel. I splashed and splashed! Do you see my Bubbas swimming all by himself in this picture? He was a natural!

Another thing I loved was trying on the clothes Grandma bought for me. Don't I look cute in my new outfit? Grandma also got to see that I am in no way, shape or form lacking in personality!

We all spent some time outside getting to know William. We also went to a park and wow, did one have a huge slide! Daddy took Gavin down and he wanted to do it again and again! Daddy was too scared, though. hehe. All the boys climbed up on this tank. They looked like Manly Men to me! Gavin wants me to show you his summer haircut. Mommy and Daddy thinks he looks too much like a big boy and can't wait for it to grow back out!

When we got home from having breakfast with Grandma and William, Gavin got straight to work building a Vacation Home for you and Grandma so you can come visit more! I hope you enjoyed all the pictures and hope to see you soon!


Crystal_King said...

I love Gavin's new haircut! It goes make him look like such a big boy, but oh so handsome! So happy to hear about how much fun you guys had. I'd love to go the the Wonderland place with you guys. Camden would love it! Carrigan is getting so big! Do you think her hair color will be similiar to Gavin's? She's just so cute!!!!

Laura King said...

I am SO EXCITED about the vacation home!!! I had such a great visit with all of you and William can't stop talking about all of the things we did.

Thanks so much for the letter to G'pa Carrigan. I'll make sure he sees it!

Give Gavin, Daddy and Mommy big hugs from G'pa and G'ma