Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Buddy Doll

Okay.. this is a post about something I noticed that I couldn't decide if it was neat or creepy.
When Levi was little he had a My Buddy Doll that he remembers carrying around everywhere. When we were dating and going through the lovey dovey kissy kissy phase, I wanted a sentimental gift for my birthday. He wanted examples so I told him it would be sweet if he found a my buddy doll for me to sleep with while he was gone during summer breaks. Well in true male fashion, that was EXACTLY what he got me. In fact my husband has never once surprised me with a gift I hadn't suggested.. ha.. so back to the story...
Gavin has been going through a phase of hitting us in the face. He does it when he is excited or just feels like we aren't paying attention to him. Whatever the cause, it is something we are trying to stop. I pulled out the my buddy doll which had been in a closet for quite some time, and did a little experiment. When Gavin hit the doll's face, I cried for the baby, held him and gave him one of Gavin's paci's. After doing this for a few days, I noticed something. The doll has blonde hair, blue eyes and a dimple on his left check. Gavin has blonde hair, blue eyes and a dimple on his left cheeck. While everything can be explained; Gavin has Levi's hair, my dad's eyes and my dimple, I still felt the need to put the doll away for a day or two. ha..
I went through the pictures we have of Levi as a child (it look me a good half hour to find them) and found a picture of him with the doll only to realize our scanner isn't hooked up. I did take a picture of Gavin with the doll when he was one month old. I would take a recent one, but now Gavin sees the doll as the mean boy who takes his paci. ha

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