Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Vocabulary

Gavin's vocabulary has broadened this past month. Some words are incomplete but are consistent with the object.
MaMa = Momma
DaDa = Daddy
NaNa = NaNa (said for the first time today! MawMaw NaNa was thrilled!)
PaPa = Paci
Ba = Ball
GuhGuh = Good (said when he is eating solids)
NoNoNoNo = No! (said when an object is taken away)

He also will pant when he is around my dog who is ALWAYS hot. Maybe that counts?? :)

I try my hardest to get his words on video but he is still giving me a hard time .
What is a post without pictures... They have nothing to do with words, but who cares!
YeeHa! Ride em cowboy!

Be gentle to Teller! Uncle Levi and Madi washing their "rides'
Look at those eyelashes!!

Too tired for lunch - This is his ornery face. Can you tell??

What a cutie. We are so glad he belongs to us!


thebenignus said...

The 6th picture of Gavin, he really looks like you in it. Dont know what it is, but there is something in that face that just look like you.

Laura Carson said...

Yay! That is my favorite picture then! ha

Lane said...

He is so cute! I love the one where he has his head tilted and his big blue eyes are just shining. He's a doll!