Friday, June 13, 2008

Precious Girl and Grimy Bathtub

First I will talk about our grimy bathtub. We live in Harding owned townhouses. They are the newest and nicest housing Harding has to offer married students, but our particular house has one grimy bathtub! Levi and I have tried everything under the sun to get the bottom of the tub white. The best looking Levi ever got it was by using toilet bowel cleaner. Gross I know, but we were having guests and we couldn't stand it looking so dirty. I know it is clean, but it looks like we are coal miners.
So the other night I went to clean it and afterwards I knocked over Levi's shampoo. After putting things away, I had forgotten about it until the next morning when I went to take a shower. A small amount of his shampoo had leaked out and bleached the tub white as new! I went downstairs and asked Levi if he wanted me to buy him the same kind of shampoo because I was using his up on the tub. I covered the bottom of our tub and checked back this morning and our tub has never looked so good!
So if you have a grimy tub use Pantene Pro V Shampoo/Conditioner and it'll do the trick! (I also wonder how such a powerful shampoo can be good for his scalp!)

Now onto my sweet 4 yr old niece, Madeline Grace. My father passed away when I was 18 yrs old, just after I graduated high school, from cancer. My mom keeps pictures of him up in the house and has a large wedding photo in her room. My dad wore a white suit so Madi has always referred to her PaPa as MawMaw's prince.
After looking through old photo albums from my sister and my childhood, Madi looked at my mom and said, "MawMaw, I don't understand why PawPaw would want to live with Jesus and not with you." My mom replied, "It is because PawPaw got very, very sick and it was better for him to live with Jesus."
Madi was content until later that night she asked her mom the same question. My sister replied, "PawPaw got very sick and died. Jesus came to take him to Heaven where he will wait until he can see us again one day." Madi's eyes teared up and didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was the first time anyone had told her PaPa had died.
Last night my mom and Madi were sitting on the back porch under blankets watching the stars. They were about to head inside so my mom blew out the candles that were keeping the mosquitoes away. Madi said, "Wait MawMaw, I need to make a wish." My mom lit a candle and Madi knelt down on her knees and folded her hands. She said, "I wish to God that PaPa is happy with Jesus" and blew out the candle.
How much sweeter can a wish get?? I hope with all my heart that Gavin has the same interest and love for his PaPa as his cousin Madi.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hmmmm...if the shampoo can do that to the tub, maybe that is the cause of Levi's baldness, not his genes. j/k Something to think about, though...