Monday, March 2, 2009

A Boy and his Cookie

This morning after breakfast I gave Gavin a cookie to munch on. ( Don't judge. He can use every calorie he can get! ) A few minutes later I hear, No No! Go Go Go! Cooo Cooo (Cookie)

Gavin had climbed onto the step ladder to keep his cookie away from my dog, Baelin! In Baelin's defense, Gavin kept dangling the cookie over her nose, so I thought it was fair (and funny) to let it play out. As you probably guessed, Baelin won and ate the cookie. Of course he got a brand new cookie and ate every bite!

Totally unrelated, but I want to make sure I don't forget these firsts:

Yesterday Carrigan was mistaken for a boy. ?????
Gavin will now drink milk out of his bottle and hold it on his own during meals. (Again don't judge, I have been literally forcing liquids since he was 2 months)
Carrigan was told she looked like Daddy instead of Mommy.
Carrigan started playing in the Exersaucer and loves it!
Gavin loves pickles. Too bad they have 0 nutritional value!


Haylee said...

This is a great story, Laura! It's so fun to see your family on here - they're beautiful and I know you must be beaming with thankfulness!:-)

Crystal_King said...

OMG!!! I can't believe how old he looks. To climb up on the chair and keep his cookie away, that's a smart boy right there! His looks are changing in a way that really make him look more older. He's so cute!!!