Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh potty training.... *Update*

Update: Problem or Progress?
Today we seem to have a new "problem." Gavin is no longer taking off his diaper after he "goes" in his diaper. He pees and poos with his diaper OFF!! I have cleaned up 3 messes today! He will find me, then point and say "Poo Poo" He will then lead me to the mess on the floor. Yuck!! BUT he wants to go out of his diaper sooo??? He is deathly afraid of sitting on the potty. Not sure why. I am hoping this is a sign that he will be potty trained soon and not a disgusting habit I will be dealing with for months to come!

Potty training around here has not been going strong. Gavin only wants to pee-pee when he wants and only wants to stand on the big potty. We are in no rush to potty train our boy, so I decided to wait until he was a little older so the concept of sitting on the potty might be less of a struggle.


When Gavin goes #2, he hides. He also won't go in public. But the last 4 days or so, Gavin has been doing something new. As soon as he finishes going in his diaper, he comes over to me and takes off his diaper. He then goes over to the bathroom and says Poo-Poo.

Levi tried putting him on the potty last night, walking out and closing the door so he would have his privacy. Gavin freaked out!!

I have NO IDEA what to do!!!


Crystal_King said...

Well I'm certainly not an expert on potty training, so I can only give you the advice that I know from having Camden. MOST of the time he'll say to us "I poo" and we'll take him on the potty and all is well. However, every now and then I'll see him grunting or in Gavin's case, hiding, and then I'll say to him "Let's go sit on the potty!" I try to make it seem like it's a HUGE deal, very excited you know. Then even if he fusses I'll set him on the potty and we'll sing or color or read a book. This distracts him from being fussy and helps him relax and out the poo will come! Camden's big reward is flushing, he loves it, but I also give him a few mini M&M's as a treat and as soon as he goes poo he'll say, "I treat!" Hope that helps, maybe if you catch him in the act and hurry him on the potty he'll start to figure it out :) At least he knows the poo goes in the potty, that's a great start! :)

The Parnell's said...

Laura I'm not sure if you remember me (Amy Clay) but I'm Sarah Hall's cousin. I saw your post about potty training and part of it reminded me of my son. Andrew was 3 before he was potty trained and when we started he was also afraid of the potty and the bathroom. I finally put his potty chair on a towel in the living room and within about 2 weeks he was not having accidents during the day. Maybe try moving the potty into a room he is comfortable in and you might have some luck. Just a suggestion. Your kids are beautiful!!

Laura Carson said...

Thanks Amy! I actually discussed with my hubby last night about putting the potty chair in the dining room since it is one of his common hiding spots. Good to know it has worked with a little boy before!

I have seen your blog through Sarah's. The post of your husband coming home and meeting your daughter and surprising your son was so touching!

Lane said...

Sterling was the same way with the whole being scared of the potty. Give him time, he will grow out of it. and I have learned that they won't do it until they are good and ready to. They have a mind of their own...little stinkers! :) Good luck!

Laura King said...

This may sound weird, but have you tried letting him sit on the big potty facing backwards? Sometimes they feel more secure that way because their little booty isn't dipping so far down, their legs aren't dangling quite as much and they can hold on to the tank. Also can use the tank as a "table" of sorts to color, etc., if interested.
Hiding is very common during potty training time...especially with boys...don't worry, it will pass and before you know it, he will celebrate his ability to perform all the disgusting potty noises and smells with a crowd! :)
Just hang in there! And feel free ANYTIME to come on down and leave your precious children with me so you can go on down to the beach for a restful vacation by the ocean!!