Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Playing House

Grandma & Grandpa got Gavin a playhouse for his birthday. Both Gavin and Carrigan have a great time playing in it!

But sometimes trying to get out gets a little tricky! The doorbell is their favorite feature. Gavin pretended the sink was a phone when he couldn't find the "real" phone. Found It! Much better! Carrigan's favorite part is how close she is with her brother. Why? Because it's easier to give each other love! -- Notice those teefies! And sometimes love hurts!! Also check out Gavin's arm. In some of the pictures you can see Carrigan has learned to BITE! Thank you so much for the wonderful gift!


Pedro Garcia Millan said...
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Vloggerlyfe said...

Looks like they're having a lot of fun! Whitney's Temple of Buddhism