Monday, August 24, 2009

How Un-August-like of you

The weather, that is. How often do you get to enjoy 75 degree weather at noon in August? Not very often, so we are taking full advantage of it!

Carrigan sitting outside is a rare thing. She is up and going the entire time. No fear, no frustrations when falling, just happy and mobile. .... and you couldn't bribe this girl to go back to crawling. That's more like it. Keeping up with the big kids! Waving and saying "bye bye" to every airplane we see is a must. Little Darlings.Every month Carrigan becomes more and more a Mommy's Girl. I love it.This is Gavin's favorite shirt. "What does the monster say?" "Rawr!" What caused these smiles? The vacuum. She LOVES the vacuum! The cat came out to say hello. Carrigan pulled his tail ...while Gavin threw grass on him. The poor thing! Posing for pictures with her cousins is one of Madi's favorite things. Can you tell? Ha! I then gave Madi the job of taking Gavin's hand to lead him back into the house. Gavin was giving her the ol' tuck in elbows, bend at the waist, and run in circles, routine. Madi found it exhausting while Gavin thought it was hilarious! I got a few good laughs out of it. :) She finally caught him though!


Lane said...

How cute are they!! You're so lucky it's that beautiful there! Enjoy it! :)
Madi looks just like Alicia it's amazing!!

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Wish that Lydia loved the vaccuum! Whenever I vaccuum, I have to hold Lydia! Talk about a workout! Whew! I'm hoping that she will out grow this fear, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon!