Monday, August 10, 2009

Test Results are In...

Gavin's blood work is ALL NORMAL!

I wish I could tell you what all they tested for, but the connection was horrible. All I heard were the important words, "Everything looks fine!" I asked his doctor to test for Hypothyroidism and he said they will be testing a number of things. I am going to ask for a list at his 2 yr check up.

What I do know is his white blood cell count is normal, he is not anemic and his thyroid is fine.

He will now be going back to the Children's Eating Specialist, a Nutritionist, and Gastroenterologist. A swallow test was mentioned, but neither Levi or I feel the need for it, so we will have a discussion with the GI. His doctor also wants to make sure his liver and kidneys are functioning properly. I don't know how they will test that, but hopefully it is just with another blood sample.

We need this boy to gain weight and have NO more tests!

12 Months: 18.10 lbs
18 Months: 21.8 lbs
24 Months: 22 lbs (he was squirming, so his weigh in on the 25th will be more accurate)


Laura King said...

Bill walked into the kitchen tonight grinning, and said, "Laura updated the blog, Gavin's blood work is all good!"

We are so thankful for good results! I know you are breathing a sigh of relief, even tho it's hard not to have insight into his slow weight gain...a problem his G'ma has NEVER had!

We will keep prayers going for him to start packin' it on very soon!

Love and hugs all around!!

Just Jiff said...

Bayley is 16 months and still wears 9 month clothing. And her shoe size is 3-6 months. She weighs 18.6 lbs. She was 7 weeks early, but she's healthy as can be. I think people freak out less when a girl is smaller, than when its a boy; however, I've learned that sometimes babies are smaller than others but that doesn't mean they'll be tiny their whole lives. I think Gavin is precious the way he is. :)