Friday, October 2, 2009

11 Months Old

It happened. I blinked. Now Carrigan is just 1 month away from her 1st birthday. 21 days to be exact. Everyone says this, but I really mean it. How has it been a year already? I feel like her "babyhood" hardly existed. Oh how the second born child doesn't get soaked up like the first. *sigh*

Like Levi said 2 nights ago when he took both Gavin & Carrigan outside to play, Carrigan goes 90 to nothing.... when walking, not talking. She arches her back, squirms, lunges forward, then is out of your arms headed for trouble!

Have you ever wondered why you hardly see a picture of Gavin & Carrigan together? They don't get along! Carrigan doesn't give Gavin a moments rest & Gavin is a 2 yr old for goodness sakes! I feel sorry for the poor boy at times. Levi says her theme song is, Anything you can do, I can do better. Whatever toy Gavin has is the toy to have. Their days go as follows: Gavin sits down with a toy, Carrigan joins in, Gavin pushes, Carrigan bites, Gavin hits, Carrigan pulls hair..... repeat, repeat, repeat.....

On the positive side, she isn't shy! She'll follow complete strangers around the park and grab onto anybody's leg in a store. She also seems too smart for her age. We are constantly saying, aren't you too young to be doing that?

Carrigan's newest words are: Hi, Hat & Book
Cow says: Moo

She loves to read books. Her favorites are Petting Farm & Baby Faces. She also brings me the book Goodnight Moon because it is Gavin's favorite. Gavin puts his thumb on the fire place and says fire on every page every time we read the book. Carrigan will now put her thumb on the fireplace on every page every time we read the book. :)

She is such a silly little thing. We have a red basket that she puts on her head then turns circles around the room. It is hilarious! She also likes to step into our shoes, brush her hair, and CLIMB! She can climb onto the bed, couch, chairs....well. you name it and she can climb on it. She has fallen off of Gavin's toddler bed so many times from climbing up there to jump!

She doesn't eat a lot of solids. When put in a high chair, she won't eat. Take her down and she will. Grrr... She only wants to eat things she can hold in her hand. Little things like cheerios just get thrown on the floor. She loves to carry around a piece of bread or cracker and gobbles it up. She will however eat savory foods. She still will not eat fruit. She will eat veggies if they are in a stew or pasta. She recently started liking yogurt. She will drink milk. She has been stealing Gavin's for months now! She likes juice and water as well.

Her hair gets more curly every month which is something her daddy LOVES. He told me the other day that I don't realize how cute she is. ha... Her daddy is a tad smitten with his girl!

Oh and sleep... um... she will sleep for a couple of hours at night in her crib. When her Cd stops, she wakes up. When a bug sneezes, she wakes up.... When I have her completely weaned from nursing, I am off to a hotel (ALONE) for as many nights as needed to feel refreshed. This is no exaggeration, I have not had 8 hours of sleep since I was a couple of months pregnant with Gavin. 2 straight years of sleep deprivation is about all I can handle. My girl struttin' her stuff. A future super model no doubt.


Piker Family said...

ADORABLE!!! I am praying for a speedy weaning process so you can go and get yourself some of that much needed sleep. I can't believe she is almost one.

Ro said...

almost 1?! insane!!! this whole year has truly gone by way too fast. i feel the same way than you. Just hard to believe. Once again, we need to get the girls together...Rylan can teach Carrigan how to be best friend with her brother and Carrigan can teach Rylan how to talk :) Deal?

Crystal_King said...

So with another baby for us on the way, I'm getting a good idea what it'll be like from you to have two so little! Of course yours are much closer in age, but I'm with you on the whole sleep thing! We need to get away and just sleep,sleep,sleep!! I'm happy you've been able to nurse her so long. That's wonderful. I can't believe she's almost 1 either! She's so cute and her hair looks like it's getting darker? Cute,cute!!!!

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

She is so sweet! I can't believe it's almost been a year either! Wow! Time really does fly by! Hope you get some rest soon! Sleep deprivation is the worst!