Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1st appointment

Gavin had his first appointment with Dr Watson, a children's eating specialist, this morning. First let me say, she was wonderful! I feel so lucky to have found 2 such caring doctors for Gavin.

We went to discuss Gavin's eating habits and his refusal to eat, strong gag reflex and reflux problems. We came up with a plan to slowly thicken the purees to prepare him for table food. She wants us to puree table foods because most babies refuse the bland taste of baby food by 18 months and if that happens with Gavin, we are in a world of trouble. She also suggested we put butter in his veggies for extra calories. I will admit my first thought was, I am not giving my child butter! I am still iffy about it, but I think I will grit my teeth and try it out.
Dr Watson is going to check with his peditrition to make sure we can spare the risk of cutting back on eating solids while a new routine is establishshed.

Only 5% of children continue to show signs of GERD past 8-10 months. Well Gavin is one of those 5%. She suspects that Gavin also has Esophagitis, which can be very painful. She gave very good comments on the Gastroenterologist we will be seeing next month. She however said the GI will most likely want to take a small sample of his stomach and esophagus when using the scope. For this Gavin will need to be anestisized. I am not going to lie and say that doesn't make me very nervous. I cannot remember which day next month his appointment is, but I will update you on that. I am not even sure what all will happen the first visit.

Oh and Gavin gained weight! He went from 18.10 lbs to 19.2 lbs in one month! We were hoping for 20 lbs so he could move into a big boy car seat, but any gain is great!!

We go back to Dr Watson September 25 at 8:30 a.m. and hopefully we will have made some progress. Dr Watson even met us at the front desk to assure me that Gavin will be just fine and I should leave all the worring to her. Not many doctors will do that!

*Just as I finished typing this Gavin woke up, so I brought him to the computer chair to lay in my lap for a while. His stomach was against mine. All of the sudden the baby moved all around and it tickled Gavin! He jerked up his head and started laughing! How Cute!!*

1 comment:

Laura King said...

I'm so glad you have good doctors to take care of Gavin. I know how hard it is to have medical issues with your baby, and trusting your doctors is essential to peace of mind. We will add him to our prayer list at church especially while going through these tests.

Yea on the weight gain!!