Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh Mr Sandman...

To all you young mothers out there. I need help!! Hopefully one of you went through this and have some helpful advice.
Here it is 2:00 a.m. and I am still up. I have been up at 2:00 a.m. night after night. I am not up because I woke up, I am up because I haven't been able to fall asleep.
I haven't been able to shake being tired during the day. Some days I lie on the couch and can barely do more than simply keep my eyes on Gavin. When I can, I take an afternoon nap when he naps, but it never seems long enough and I wake up just as tired. When it comes time to go to bed at night I am wide awake. When I do happen to fall asleep it isn't for long. Of course the pregnancy issues come up in the middle of the night... multiple visits to the bathroom only to have to go again 10 minutes later, limited sleep positions, (snoring husband.. advice welcome on that too!) etc...

I just need sleep! I am not anxious. My back doesn't hurt. I don't drink a lot of water or caffeine before bed. I just can't sleep.
The same thing happened when I was pregnant with Gavin and I never figured anything out.
Any suggestions???


Laura King said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are having problems sleeping. I wish I had some good advice, but my problem during pregnancy usually was that I couldn't stay awake! One thing that does help me now sometimes is to eat either peanut butter or cheese with a glass of milk just a few minutes before I go to bed (or if I am up in the middle of the night). Hope you get some rest...I'll add it to my prayer list. Love you.

Margaret said...

No advice, just sympathy. My problem for the first couple of months after Ethan was born was falling asleep at a normal time, but waking up around 2am and not being able to fall back asleep. It just eventually got better.
I hope you get some sleep soon!!!!!! :)